There is Hope

The Reactor Foundation, Inc. was formed to care for the motherless and the fatherless; to be there for them in their time of distress. That is the good that we ought to do, the good we must do.

God is our firm foundation. It is through His love and His salvation that countless children will have mended hearts. We trust in his Word. Isaiah 49 tells us that when the time is right, when victory is due, God will put everything back in order. He’ll resettle families that have experienced ruin. Prisoners of grief will be released, be freed; and those huddled in fear will know that it’s alright, it’s safe again. For the Compassionate One will guide them, comfort His people, and tenderly nurse those that have been beaten up and broken down. Along the way, God will provide.

That is our assignment. To let the compassion of Jesus Christ flow through this ministry and through our hands; to be shade from the sun and shelter from the wind. The Reactor Foundation provides a safe place for children to grieve, to connect with others who understand their experience, to explore their interests and talents, to connect to purpose, and to grab ahold of hope to live a full life, even in spite  of the absence of a parent.

For the remaining caregiver, The Reactor Foundation, Inc. is a food stand along these long and curvy roads. You do not have to navigate this journey alone. We serve as a connector to resources, support, businesses, and wrap around services that you need to thrive.

Keep your faith. No one who hopes in Christ ever regrets it.

Amber A. Lee
President & Executive Director