“The Reactor Foundation provides a safe place for children to grieve, to connect with others who understand their experience, to explore their interests and talents, to pursue purpose, and to grab ahold of hope to live a full life, even in the absence of a parent.”

— Amber A. Lee, Founder

Catalyst Program

Life without a mother or without a father can seem unbearable at times. Through this program, we join the journey and patiently support the child through their experience. Connecting them with others with similar experiences, introducing healthy outlets; including their natural interests and talents. Most importantly, connecting them to the ultimate catalyst, Jesus Christ. It is through His love that we react, finding love, joy, peace, and hope again.

Our Catalyst Program allows kids to explore interests of all varieties and kinds. On the contrary, Road Scholars is very specific. It’s a deep dive into everything bicycles! We ride them, we fix them, we build them, we donate them to kids in need. We’re building character and relationships as we build bikes. They learn physics and engineering here. They can tinker until their heart is content and we prepare them to take the STEM world by storm!

Road Scholars

Building Community

There is power in your story. There is power in community. Lets grow together, share together, heal together! With God on our side, peace is possible! Lets Connect!


Our website is growing as we are! Feel free to contact us with any questions.


(404) 805-5589